Baptism Policy
As the Parish of Kingswood, it is our privilege to Baptise the children of parents living in the parish. Due to the high number of Baptisms requests this will normally be done in a separate service from the main service on a Sunday. We also believe that we have the responsibility for Baptising the children of those who regularly worship here and who indicate their involvement with our congregation by being on our Church Electoral Roll. These Baptisms will take place during the main service on a Sunday.
In the case of adults, Baptism is normally administered at the same time as Confirmation.
Those with past connections with this Church – perhaps because they were married here, or because they have family still living or worshipping in the parish, or they themselves used to worship here – often wish the Baptism of their children to take place in St Andrew’s or The Wisdom of God, even though they no longer live in the parish or worship here. We believe, however, that Baptism is not about a family’s past, but about the child’s future with God. We would wish to encourage past members of this church to have their children baptised in the Parish Church where they now live and where they will live out the Baptismal vows with their child.
We understand that this causes some disappointment, especially to grandparents. We hope that people in this position will understand that we have formulated this policy to affirm the new family that is being created and to encourage them to be involved with their own Parish Church and its ministry.
We will not make exceptions to this practice, except in the case of those in HM Forces or those on fixed overseas contracts, whose normal home or place of worship is in this Parish.